Thursday 27 October 2011

Only 20 mins in.....

So we picked up the campervan. We had the mandatory DVD lesson on how the camper van worked - parts of it twice as the DVD was scratched! Covered most of the campervanning stuff, limited info on driving rules/tips.

We arrived at Avis a little late, the guy organizing us was great but it was quite clear by 12.30 that he wanted us out. The place was meant to be shut at midday - I thought it was just Mexico that had siestas. He put us in the van and stood on the other side of the road shouting out that most australians (we had said we were kiwis - but maybe he actually meant most aussies and not kiwis) smashed the side of the camper van on a particular post when turning out of avis. So he wanted to guide me - quickly. 

We were all strapped in, I started the engine and then we were off.  We passed the post and was waving the nice Avis man goodbye. Trouble was we hadn't really sussed out where were going accept we 'had to stay in the right hand lane in 2 km time to avoid going into a low tunnel. So I was focussed on stay right - which is actually quite sensible when driving in France.

We were 15 min into our journey. There was traffic overtaking me in the left lane, there were parked cars on the right, I was focussed on staying on the right otherwise we lose the camper van's roof.  We got up to 50km, stress levels were waning but then BANG. A van which was pulling out from a stationary position on the left (I did see the indicator) was obviously a little more out than the rest of the parked cars as our wing mirrors decided to say hello to each other. Scary moment.

Managed to find somewhere to pull over (on the right) and the courier man came running after us. Esther was calm and collated. I was cursing and swearing and generally explaining to anyone who could hear that a 50 day camper van holiday driving on the wrong side of the road (for me) was a silly idea.

The guy didn't speak a word of English. We managed to fill in a form which I'm sure says that it was all my fault - it happened so quick I'm not sure whether he was pulling out or or stationary. The smashed wing mirror managed to jam back in place. The side of the camper van had this wonderfully artistic black streak from front to rear where the plastic from 'the guys's' wing mirror rubbed off. If it was red we could have got away with it being a go faster stripe.

So after much calming down (Esther with me), we were off again. I now realise that we had three alternatives. Give up on the holiday there and then, me to get my confidence back up and running or Esther to drive.  As I said, Esther was great at motivating me to get back in the driving seat again.  She would admit that option 3 was not an option.

20 minutes in, one less wing mirror, a large go faster stripe on the van and a knock to the ol' confidence.  We headed on, and thankfully made it to the first campsite.  We realised that my worries with driving on the right, were at the same levels as esther's worries with map reading and taking full responsibility for directions. What a perfect couple!


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