Wednesday 12 October 2011

A reflection from the HK Koru Club

Half way there.  An easy trip so far.  Managed to watch 2 films - now that would never normally happen for me but Esther would manage it when we travel as a family!

The house is packed up and Ive said my goodbyes to work and friends.

Only took 2 days to box up and transport away our worldly belongings.  The packers arrived on Tuesday morning and they started straight away in the hallway by the front door - it didn't click until they were on their second box that they had packed away all my shoes.  So we started unpacking, although I know it is very Kiwi to travel with no shoes!  Im sure the packers thought here we go.

Managed to tidy up loose ends at work, I think.  Hopefully no ticking bombs.  And my car is now in safe hands - so Bruce reckons.

Not much happening here.  Another hour then Im on the next leg to Heathrow.  Lets hope there are not too many tears when the family reunite - you know me Im very emotional!

I will leave you with a quote on France (the first part of our adventure):

“France is the only country where the money falls apart and you can’t tear the toilet paper.” – Billy Wilder


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