Monday 16 January 2012

It's been a while

What can I say. I've been slack. My blog postings have been non existent for the last month and a lot has happened, like Christmas, new year, family visits, etc. Luckily I have my favourite wife to blog about what the Skinners have been up to. OK my only wife, it is a challenge to keep up with Est, I wouldn't have a chance with any more!

It's 8pm, the kids are in bed trying to get to sleep and Esther has been asleep for the last 3 hours - she is not feeling the best. I'm sitting in the apartment, with a beer in hand (but not whilst typing, would be a tad slow).

Barcelona is great. Our place is great and right in amongst it in the Gothic quarter. We arrived on Friday evening and the cabbie dropped off at the wrong place, the 'meeter and greeter' joined us, at the wrong place. And his key to the front door of the apartment block worked, in the wrong place! What a start. After some phone calls, he tried another apartment block a little up the road - we got into the block and luckily into the apartment. Home for the next 10 days.

Esther will tell you about all the history, art and culture we have seen so far - although the Picasso and chocolate museums were pretty cool and today, we all loved the zoo.

Here are a few photos so far....

A photo from the chocolate museum, you wouldn't believe they were made out of chocolate - the Tom and Jerry that is...

Esther continues to make new friends on the trip although this guy wasnt your average punter...

I took this photo of Benjamin at the gaudi house Casa Batilo. I always thought Benjamin was getting taller, but has he shrunk....

At the zoo we had many smiles......including from the animals...

I will try and be a tad more regular with my blogs.


Location:Carrer dels Carders,Barcelona,Spain

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