Monday 30 January 2012

Lisbon - the photographic evidence....

And again, for the historical, yet humorous, low down of our week in Lisbon check out Esther's blog.

I am a simple (and maybe lazy) blogger and am sticking to the photo gallery.

So here we go...

Lisbon put out the red carpet for us, literally...

Transportation was a little confusing. I personally would have gone for a different name for this trolley bus...

And as for the weather, well we thought Wellington had horizontal rain. Look at the precautions lisbonians take....

The food was fantastic. The doughnuts were huge. And for the first time ever, the kids shared their dessert...

The traffic signs were clear, but sometimes the drivers just ignored them..

The locals know how to relax, some were so relaxed they could sleep on a clothesline...

We decided that the kids needed to earn their keep so we got extra curricula training for them and all we need now is to buy them a hat...

And finally, the stress (I use it in the loosest meaning of the word) of travelling finally caught with Esther and she lost her head. Luckily we found it in a fruit bowl..

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