Tuesday 20 September 2011

I know I am missing the family when...

(1) I spend most of the evening worrying about how to get the house nice and clean when it is all packed up.  I don't mean that as a sexist comment, but Esther is renowned for her insatiable desire to keep a spick and span house.  There was one time when I got told off for not cleaning the skirting boards before a party - now that is tidy!!

(2) I phone a friend to find a cleaner at 7 o'clock in the evening, without thinking that it might be bed time for other families.

(3) The highlight of the evening (after the phone call) is sitting on the couch watching the rugby - France vs Russia - two countries where I have no affiliation and the only focus is the $3 bet on whether total points in the game is more than 46.
How I feel - not how I look (too much I hope)

OK, it is true.  Ive missed the family from day one.  Only another 3 weeks to go until I head overseas - lots more rugby and cleaning to happen before that - and perhaps a few more beers!

Monday 12 September 2011

RWC - guess who I was supporting....

Just got back from a bus trip for the Dunedin game.  And what an experience.  30 of us - clients and KPMGrs.  Obviously cant share any stories!

I started the face painting - courtesy of Olive from work (great call bringing the paints).  Many of the group followed suit but preferred to use the blue and white paints.  I couldnt believe how many Argentina supporters there were.  Out of 30 on the bus ,4 were supporting England and the rest were keen on Argentina - but only 2 people had ever been there and none could speak the lingo!!

Oh well ,the right result but not the greatest of games.  Since been to the Welsh / SA game - fantastic one and Wales almost did it.

Bring on the rest of the RWC.  I would have loved to have taken Benjamin to a game or two but he would have been more interested in the chips and hotdogs - admittedly all part of it.  Food diet has not been going that well.

Friday 2 September 2011

The Skinner Family

You wouldn't think it was too hard, but I've been searching for a photo of the Skinner family - mum, dad and the 2 children.  There are lots of variations on a theme but not many with all 4 of us - I suppose those photos must be on lots of friends' photo albums.  Anyhow, an introduction.  My name is Alex and this is me...

Not the best of photos,  and was last year when I tried to grow a mustache for charity (why else would you grow one??).

My beautiful wife Esther is next up.  How could I describe her - she is near perfect - has a few faults like being a perfectionist, the tidiest person ever and a shopaholic.  Apart from these sometimes challenging traits she's all good.

OK, I will be killed if I leave just this one.  Here is a less talkative Esther..

And then of course there are our two wonderful (most of the time) children.

and Naomi...

And that is us. The Skinner family living in New Zealand and soon to embark on a holiday of a lifetime.