Friday 2 September 2011

The Skinner Family

You wouldn't think it was too hard, but I've been searching for a photo of the Skinner family - mum, dad and the 2 children.  There are lots of variations on a theme but not many with all 4 of us - I suppose those photos must be on lots of friends' photo albums.  Anyhow, an introduction.  My name is Alex and this is me...

Not the best of photos,  and was last year when I tried to grow a mustache for charity (why else would you grow one??).

My beautiful wife Esther is next up.  How could I describe her - she is near perfect - has a few faults like being a perfectionist, the tidiest person ever and a shopaholic.  Apart from these sometimes challenging traits she's all good.

OK, I will be killed if I leave just this one.  Here is a less talkative Esther..

And then of course there are our two wonderful (most of the time) children.

and Naomi...

And that is us. The Skinner family living in New Zealand and soon to embark on a holiday of a lifetime.

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