Monday 12 September 2011

RWC - guess who I was supporting....

Just got back from a bus trip for the Dunedin game.  And what an experience.  30 of us - clients and KPMGrs.  Obviously cant share any stories!

I started the face painting - courtesy of Olive from work (great call bringing the paints).  Many of the group followed suit but preferred to use the blue and white paints.  I couldnt believe how many Argentina supporters there were.  Out of 30 on the bus ,4 were supporting England and the rest were keen on Argentina - but only 2 people had ever been there and none could speak the lingo!!

Oh well ,the right result but not the greatest of games.  Since been to the Welsh / SA game - fantastic one and Wales almost did it.

Bring on the rest of the RWC.  I would have loved to have taken Benjamin to a game or two but he would have been more interested in the chips and hotdogs - admittedly all part of it.  Food diet has not been going that well.

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