Thursday 10 November 2011

Black listed from Bordeaux campsite

I'm sure that the skinner family will be black listed from the Bordeaux campsite. It was a busy site, first that we had come across -we realised after the first day that there was some big home exhibition on. I think I mentioned it already, but it rained all three days.

So we were there for a while. The first priority was to get the wifi organised. This was a mission and we were only successful on the iPad. It took four trips to the reception. They started to get to know me!

The next was the washing. The washing machine was great but didn't really spin the clothes out, which meant that the dryer had to work harder - I think it must have been on holiday. The first load took 3 goes in the dryer. After the second I went to reception to complain. After the third visit to reception The manager wanted to come and watch me put the clothes in -to make sure I was doing it properly. I tried to explain that I had been washing clothes for many years!

The second lot of clothes took three goes in the dryer as well, and a couple of visits to reception with the wet clothes in hand.

Next was the bus. We had to tell reception 15 mins in advance for the bus to make the special stop at the campsite. We did this and waited for 45 mins . No bus. Another visit to the reception. This time I volunteered Esther, to share the love. They called the bus company who said they did turn up - luckily reception saw us head off to the stop.

I'm pretty sure as they saw us walking to reception they found things to do or hid under the table.

Finally we were leaving. Don't get me wrong we had a great stay there overall.

It was chucking it down with rain.

We needed to empty the waste water and fill up with water but it was OK they had the amenities.

I had to maneuver The camper van to get onto the Tarmac. Went forward onto the grass ( it was raining heavily) and got stuck. Wheels were spinning, smoke was pouring out - Esther shouting out 'stop, stop, the brakes' - she won't be helping me with my kit car.

I had managed to create a huge hole under the front wheels of a front wheel vehicle. A kind fellow camper car driver offered to help but we still couldn't shift it. So guess what, I had to resort to heading back into reception, tail between my legs, and asking for help. A kind resort manager brought his four wheel drive and towed us out.

Moral of the story. When complaining, always do it in a nice way, you never know when you might be asking for help!


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