Thursday 3 November 2011

Two days of culture

I begged Esther to drive through the night (well I did the driving), through the wilderness of backyard France so we could be the first in to a topiary enthusiasts garden delight. When I say the wilderness, the roads were 2 way with enough room for a bicycle, but with some careful driving, some speed on the straights and a bit of closing the eyes and hoping for the best we made it. We spent the night in the carpark and then morning walking round a garden with lots of symmetry. Esther's blog has all the details but here are some photos which I like...

The first one, was an artistic snap which captures the metrological state of the morning - raining!

Second, symmetry at it's best...

Ok, I admit, it was Esther that really, really, wanted to make the visit. It was an enjoyable stroll round a beautiful garden. I think Esther wants a garden like this when we buy in chch - I'm trying to be realistic and agreeing to one or two of the topiary (bushes to us lesser mortals).

And yesterday we spent the day in st emilion, a small town in bordeaux which is renowned for wines. We did some tasting, buying and drinking. And I've learnt something about myself. My taste buds are all worn out, and I can't really tell the difference between one red wine and another. Personally, I don't see this as a problem - more cost effective wines which taste great - once an accountant always an accountant.

Here is me looking very knowledgeable and selecting a good bottle..

Naomi doing some smell tests, she reckons this one was heavy red, full bodied with spicy overtones of freshly cut grass ( she wants to grow up like mum)...


Location:La Niotte,Saint-Émilion,France

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