Monday 21 November 2011

Some more photos...

In a previous blog I mentioned about how Benjamin managed to find so much during the day. Here is the evidence from 4 hours in Avaignon....

There were some other metal objects which his mum confiscated!

Guess who went to the Haribo sweet factory...

A supply for the next 2 years, although I suspect they will get
demolished within the next week or so!

The French streets are generally tidy although we did stay at a place where it took them more than 24 hours to empty the bottle bank which was outside of where we parked up for the day...

OK a slight exaggeration, but we have been enjoying the local 'produce' every night.

That's it for me, I know Esther is gagging to update her blog...Which gives you more useful info on what we are actually up to.


Location:Avenue du Val Saint-André,Aix-en-Provence,France

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