Saturday 26 November 2011

Is it nice to get stuck in Nice

We are sitting in our camper van having breakfast, well me and the kids are, Esther is having a little lie in. No change there then! I am trying to figure out our next steps.

From day one we were having problems with the electrics in our van. It wasn't a big deal to start of with. The fridge wasn't working when it should. Fine when standing but when we were on the move it was off. We actually were able to manage our food and avoid too much loss - one fatality only a tub of ice-cream, only a few tears from Esther and kids.

Next the plug stopped working when we were plugged in at a campsite. Again we managed to work with that one. The iPad charged when needed.

We have visited almost all the Avis campervan locations in France - 4 out of six.

The troubles happened three nights ago when the warning lights for the batteries stopped working - showing that there was no power in the car battery and little in the auxiliary battery. This started to get us worried. So off to the Nice Avis shop. They had a quick look around, went to the fuse box and pulled out a broken fuse. Didn't I feel a useless mechanic - doesn't bode well for my kit car. It fixed the fridge issues and the plug and the warning lights but it wasn't until last night that we realised there was a larger issue lurking within the camper van...

We ran out of auxiliary battery and the lights or heating were not working after a day out on the town. Even when plugged in at the campsite. Now that is a bigger problem. Everything works when the engine is running, but that is not a sustainable solution. It charges the aux battery and then we are ok but for only a few hours.

So it is Sunday morning and we are hoping Avis is open. A very good fix or a new van. The skinners are not happy. It means we lose a day as today we were planning to head across to Italy.

Is it nice in Nice, we spent a day walking around yesterday and it is a pretty cool place. Esther will have the details and the photos on her blog soon....but we also have Internet issues and will need to try and get a sim card when in Italy so who knows when....


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